Display & Programmatic Advertising  The perfect breeze for your online presence

Maximum reach, increasing brand awareness and measurable results - we put your programmatic and display ads on course for success!

Illustration für ein Display Ad. Person vor dem Laptop und schaut sich Ads an

More digital presence with display ads

Dewave is your reliable partner for display and programmatic ads. Together, we ensure that your message lands in the digital space exactly where it is seen. We create highly individualized advertising campaigns that attract maximum attention and increase your digital awareness and conversions. With our expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we reach your target audience with pinpoint accuracy. Trust our comprehensive service to take your online presence to the next level. Let's unleash your brand's success in the digital ocean together!

Advantages of display-ads

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Brand awareness

Increase brand awareness through increased visibility in the digital space.
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Reach new audiences and market niches through programmatic targeting technologies.
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Minimization of wastage, maximum cost control and precise measurability of performance.
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Effective retargeting capabilities to retarget interested users.

Come on board and start your digital display journey with us!

Our Advertising-Services

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Consulting and Conception

  • Industry and competitor analysis
  • Target definition
  • Tracking concept
  • Target group definition and placements
  • Campaign planning
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  • Creation of the advertising messages
  • Creative design of displays
  • Setting up campaigns
  • Ad placements
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  • Supervision and support
  • Evaluations and control
  • Data-based optimizations
  • Reporting
  • Testing and iteration
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What awaits you

When designing a display ads campaign, we follow several steps. First, we define clear goals, followed by a detailed target group analysis. Then the creative part takes place and we create appealing ads with the effective content based on the CI/CD. Once the ads are created, the selection of placement options follows and together we define a budget to place the ads in a targeted way with the highest impact. Once the campaign is launched, we monitor performance and make various optimizations as needed. Using A/B testing, we thus evaluate the best ad variations and increase effectiveness. Data analysis enables further adjustments to improve campaign performance.

Learn more about the potential of display ads