Lead Generation MicrositeCampaign: Daran arbeiten wir

For FDP Zurich’s “Daran arbeiten wir” campaign, we worked closely with our partners to develop a custom lead generation microsite.

Website-Design der FDP mit Desktop- und Mobilansicht, zeigt eine Kampagne für Wohlstand und Lebensqualität im Kanton Zürich.

Our role

  • Web Development

  • Technical Conception

  • Project Management

Project description

In collaboration with Inhalt und Form, we created a website for FDP Zurich, focusing on lead generation. As part of the “Daran arbeiten wir” campaign, the microsite encourages visitors to share topics of interest on social media. This helps FDP gather valuable leads for future email campaigns.

SailClass Desktop Screens


Fast implementation instead of complex migration

The implementation had to be done quickly, as the “Daran arbeiten wir” campaign was already well underway. Migrating to the existing CMS landscape would have taken too much time and required significant coordination efforts. This led us to a different approach.

Das Bild zeigt die Desktop-Version der FDP Zürich Landingpage mit Lead-Formular, Dankesnachricht nach Registrierung und einer interaktiven Bezirkskarte zur Auswahl lokaler Initiativen. Modernes Design fördert Interaktion und Teilen.

Our solution

Headless CMS approach

To avoid migrating to the existing CMS landscape, we opted for a headless approach that could be seamlessly and quickly integrated on a temporary basis. This gave us the time needed to carry out the migration into FDP’s existing systems at a later stage, without pressure.

We turn your ideas into a powerful, user-friendly microsite.

About FDP Zurich

FDP Zurich is a political party committed to promoting a liberal economic and social policy. It represents the interests of citizens who value entrepreneurial freedom and a lean government. The party is actively involved in areas such as education, security, and infrastructure to enhance the quality of life in Zurich. Positioned within the center-right political spectrum, FDP Zurich is one of the established forces in regional politics.

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