Web developmentWebsite for "Vote for Aldi" campaign

ALDI SUISSE relies on the dynamics of the Swiss election in autumn and launches a creative campaign, complete with its own election program. We enter the election campaign with a lot of creativity and commitment and take over the technical realization of the website.

Desktop und Mobile Screen

Our role

  • Technical conception

  • Web development

  • Integration with SAP / Salesforce

Digital excellence in the "Vote Aldi" campaign

For the "Vote for Aldi" campaign of ALDI SUISSE, Dewave in cooperation with "Inhalt und Form" took over the technical conception, web development and integration. The goal was to create a responsive and user-friendly website that motivates visitors to sign up for the newsletter.

Targeted marketing efforts, including TV spots, billboards, Google Ads and magazine ads, generated traffic to the site. Within three weeks, we were able to collect an impressive 21’096 addresses with a conversion rate of over 34%. This result impressively demonstrates how effective our integrated digital strategies and solutions are, and underscores our ability to develop the most sophisticated websites for our clients.

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Addressing digital challenges

The "Vote for Aldi" campaign presented us, Dewave, with unique challenges that our team mastered with flying colors.

Large traffic peaks: During the switch-off phases of the commercials, there were enormous traffic peaks on the website.

Limited budget: The entire campaign had to be implemented on a tight budget, which required efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Complex integration: The seamless connection of the website to the Salesforce CRM via their SAP system posed a particular challenge due to its complexity.

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Innovative solutions

Optimization for peak periods: Through load testing and infrastructure optimization, we ensured that the website remained stable and user-friendly during traffic spikes.

Creative and efficient use of resources: Despite the limited budget, we managed to deliver a high-quality campaign by using resources creatively and efficiently.

Specialized Salesforce and SAP expertise: Our experienced team ensured secure and accurate integration with the Salesforce system via their SAP middleware, enabling effective data processing and utilization.

  • Finger klick auf Mobiltelefon
  • Laptop Screen
  • Mobile Telefon Screen Pattern

    We turn your ideas into a powerful, user-friendly website.

    Thanks to Dewave, we received a technically sophisticated website for our campaign. They easily mastered demanding functions and ensured a stable and fast platform.

    Logo Aldi Suisse
    ALDI SUISSEOnline-Marketing


    ALDI SUISSE has stood for quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction for years and has established itself as one of the leading retail chains in Switzerland. With a broad assortment ranging from fresh food to household products, ALDI SUISSE has taken the pulse of the times and offers its customers high-quality products at attractive prices day after day. The clear focus on customer satisfaction, sustainability and innovation is reflected in all areas of the company. With a strong digital presence and modern marketing strategies, ALDI SUISSE is ideally positioned to meet the demands of modern retailing and further strengthen its position in the market.

    Start your journey to digital success with Dewave!